Tampa Bay Rocketry Association


Hi everyone! Congratulations to Greg Keith, our "closest to the pumpkin" winner and Gary Horwood, our "closest to a mile" winner. Great job guys!  It was a lot of fun.  If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for contests like this in the future, please let me know.

Due to an increase on the lease of our property, we are going to have to increase our launch fees to $15, effective immediately.This is beyond our control, we have tried to keep the flight fees to a minimum as long as we could. Thanks for everyone's cooperation.

Rick Waters


Hi everyone! Hope everybody is ready for the 9th Annual Buc Blast. We will be setting up at the field Friday at 6pm if anyone would like to help. A lot of exciting flights are planned, so make sure you come out and join us and support TTRA. The SOAR club from USF will be cooking lunch, they need our support too. We have a lot of great raffle prizes lined up, thanks to all of you who donated.

Don't forget to purchase your Buc Blast 9 t-shirt at the field.

And last but not least, please visit our Cafe Press Site for some cool TTRA logo items and support our club. A percentage of each sale goes directly to TTRA.  Thanks!

Looking forward to seeing you all at the field!

Rick Waters


Hi everyone! I'd like to put out a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped make the 9th annual Buc Blast a great success! Especially to you all that donated for our raffle. And last but not least, the faithful who helped set up and tear down.

Check out the photo page, we have some great photos that Jimmy Yawn has sent to us, great job Jimmy! See the videos on Jimmy's page. If you have any photos or video, please send them to rusty8398@gmail.com

Stay tuned....we are cooking up something spooky for the October launch!  

Again, thank you all!

Rick Waters


Hi everyone! We have a couple of special treats in store for the upcoming October launch. First of all for the low power (A-G motors), we have a special trophy that will be awarded to the flier that lands closest to the pumpkin.

For the high power guys (H and above motors), we have a special trophy that will be awarded to the flier that goes closest to a mile.

You must register for the competition at the field before your flight. It should be lots of fun, I look forward to seeing you all there.

And last but not least, everyone stay safe during the storm!

Rick Waters


Hi everyone! As I hope you all know by now, the August launch has been cancelled. But the 9th Annual Buccaneer Blast is just around the corner....September 17th and 18th. I am already hearing there are quite a few M flights in the works! The boy scouts will be on hand Saturday with food and drinks and our raffle is shaping up quite nicely. 

There will be a club build/officer's meeting Saturday August 6th at 10am at my shop. Email me if you need directions.

We really enjoyed having the Boeing group out with their beautiful rocket.

And last but not least, here are some photos of our very own John Mack on his recent trip.  Looks like it was a lot of fun! Welcome back! 

Til next time!-

Rick Waters

Prefect's Corner Archives 2016