Tampa Bay Rocketry Association


​Hi everyone! First I would like to say thank you and a big shout out to all of you that came out to do repairs on the bathroom. We won't have to worry about the floor falling in now!

Please take note that this year's Buc Blast is being moved to October. Maybe we will get a little break from the heat by doing this, so mark your calendars! It is hard to believe that this will be the 10th annual Buc Blast. We are already planning some really cool stuff for the event.

Check out the LDRS 36 Photos page, new pics were added. And PLEASE, if you have any photos of a launch that you would like posted on our site, please send them to Candice at rusty8398@gmail.com. Please be sure to describe the launch and mention the rocket owner as well.

Looking forward to getting back out to the field for some flying fun! Hope to see you all there!

Rick Waters

Prefect's Corner Archives 2017


​Thank you for coming out to the bowling party! We all had a great time. Congratulations to Tom Tweit for that nice 222 game putting his team at #1. For all of us that were so sore we couldn't move the next day, maybe putt putt golf will be in order next time!

Don't forget the 10th Annual Buccaneer Blast has been moved to October 21st and 22nd this year. Shaping up to be a great one. T-Shirts will be available this year as usual. In addition, there will be a special order 10th Anniversary polo shirt available. Stay tuned for pricing and ordering information.

​Now for a little business: TTRA has implemented a new rule that may affect you if you are a member of a group. One person from said group MUST be certified for the impulse motor you are flying...no exceptions....no exemptions.

And last but not least, we will be checking the field mid next week to see if it is dry enough and survived Irma's wrath. We will update this website and Facebook to confirm launch status. Stay safe everyone.

Rick Waters


Hi everyone! Although it was a little windy, we had a great launch this month. Thanks to all of you that continue to help out. Congratulations to Bill Green on his successful Level One flight. Nice job Bill!

We will be having a club meeting on Saturday 2/11/2017 at 10am at my shop. I would like to invite ALL members in the club to participate in this meeting. If you need directions, contact me at rick@theo-group.com.

Congratulations to the USF SOAR team.  They had a successful test flight of the sustainer. They will be flying it in a two stage configuration at this year's LDRS in Maryland. 

And last but not least, the television show we filmed in Bunnell should air this month or next on the Science Channel.  It is called Street Science.

Hope to see you all at the meeting!

Rick Waters


Hi everyone! We'd like to thank the Lakeland Boy Scout Troop for the great job they did at the flag ceremony at Mrs. Varn's last weekend. It really meant a lot to her. Thanks for all the work you do. Please click here for the pictures.

​It's that time of year again, officer elections will be held at this weekend's launch. After the holidays we will be getting back to work on the club project. I will be letting you know as soon as possible about the future build dates.

If you have any photos or interesting projects you are working on, please send them to us at rusty8398@gmail.com, we would love to post them on the website.

We had a great time at the Bunnell Blast.  Thanks to all of you that participated. The show that we filmed is going to air on the Discovery Channel in January. I will let you know the dates as soon as I know.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! See you at the field!

Rick Waters


​Hi everyone! First I would like to say thank you and a big shout out to all of you that came out to do repairs on the bathroom. We won't have to worry about the floor falling in now!

Please take note that this year's Buc Blast is being moved to October. Maybe we will get a little break from the heat by doing this, so mark your calendars! It is hard to believe that this will be the 10th annual Buc Blast. We are already planning some really cool stuff for the event.

Check out the LDRS 36 Photos page, new pics were added. And PLEASE, if you have any photos of a launch that you would like posted on our site, please send them to Candice at rusty8398@gmail.com. Please be sure to describe the launch and mention the rocket owner as well.

Looking forward to getting back out to the field for some flying fun! Hope to see you all there!

Rick Waters


​Hi everyone! As I hope you all know by now, this weekend is our 2 day launch and we will be setting up at the field Friday, 3/17/17 at 5:00 PM. We would appreciate anyone who can come out and help. We have some very nice prizes for this year's raffle, so get your tickets early!

Memberships were due in January, so if you have not done so already, please be sure to see Mike Nipper at the field.

The USF students will be on site selling lunch for us on Saturday. Please be sure to support their organization.

Don't forget to support our vendors..Tom's Rocket Gear and Brian the Motor Man will be on site to help you with your rocketry needs.

Looking like some good weather, hope to see you all there!

Rick Waters


​Hi everyone! As I hope you all know by now, this weekend is our 2 day launch and we will be setting up at the field Friday, 3/17/17 at 5:00 PM. We would appreciate anyone who can come out and help. We have some very nice prizes for this year's raffle, so get your tickets early!

Memberships were due in January, so if you have not done so already, please be sure to see Mike Nipper at the field.

The USF students will be on site selling lunch for us on Saturday. Please be sure to support their organization.

Don't forget to support our vendors..Tom's Rocket Gear and Brian the Motor Man will be on site to help you with your rocketry needs.

Looking like some good weather, hope to see you all there!

Rick Waters